6️⃣Incoming 6th Grade
A Long Walk to Water
by Linda Sue Park
7️⃣Incoming 7th Grade
By Jason Reynolds
8️⃣Incoming 8th Grade
Hidden Figures
Young Readers Edition
By Margot Lee Shetterly

8th grade Celebration, Monday, May 15
8th grade students may wear free dress on Monday. CPPS dress code must be adhered to. Celebration is for students only.
We will start in the morning with rehearsal for ceremony. We will then head outside for fun and games. Students are likely to get wet and muddy on the field. We suggest students bring a change of clothes and shoes.
After games/fun, we will have lunch and then head to auditorium to watch the 8th grade slideshow!
Ceremony tickets will also be given out to students at end of day. Each student will be given three (3) tickets for their family/friends. If parents want to come pick up tickets, they may do so after 10:00 a.m. on Monday. All tickets must be signed for.

This year's student council election was one for the record books! Some candidate positions were within a handful of votes. We are so proud of each and every one of them for having the passion to lead our student body.
Congratulations to our executive officers and class senators:
President: Natalie Antala
Vice President: Landon Williams
Secretary: Kelsey Samuel
Parliamentarian: Azaria Miller
Class Senators:
Makaylen Gardner
Ayanna Houston
Maycee Paxton
Kaniyah Peterson
Madalynn Smith

A message from the principal:
All YDMS students will begin LEAP testing beginning tomorrow April 26. Testing will continue through May 2. Upon arrival to campus, students will report directly to their testing sites. It is extremely important that students are in their seats and prepared for testing by 8:00 a.m. We ask that you refrain from, if at all possible, checking students out before 1:00 p.m. as student's testing sessions should not be interrupted. Students should leave all backpacks home until May 3. Lunch boxes and purses are acceptable.
All electronic devices (cell phones, smart watches, earbuds, etc.) will be collected before testing and will be returned after testing is completed each day. Best practices are for students to leave electronic devices at home during testing.
Lunch will be delivered to classes each day (students are allowed to bring small snacks to be eaten on breaks). Students will be allowed outside time each day.
We at YDMS are looking forward to a successful testing experience. We appreciate your support. Please ensure that students get a good night's rest and eat a healthy breakfast each day of testing.
Have a Super Spartan Day!
Principal Edwards

☀️YDMS will host our Summer Accelerate program June 5, 2023 - June 16, 2023! ☀️
The program will be from 8:15 a.m.-2:15 p.m. each day. Students will receive instruction in ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science, and Electives. We are working with the district to provide transportation to our in-district students. All requests for in-district bus transportation must be made by Friday, 5/5/2023. Parental transportation is encouraged. Please complete this survey by Friday, 5/19/2023 to enroll your student in the program. Please email Amy Harper at anharper@caddoschools.org or Maria Edwards at msedwards@caddoschools.org with any questions.

☘️ ☘️Our 4-H club had a great last meeting! ☘️☘️
They have enjoyed learning more this year on how to make “the best better!”
Thank you to Mrs.Reader, Mrs. Johnston, and Ms. Saulsbury for leading our 4-H club and pushing our students to always do their best. #SpartanProud

Who will be able to make it all day not talking? We will find out! #SpartansHaveFun

• Good afternoon, YDMS is looking forward to a successful LEAP 2025 Testing Week with our Spartans! Our students (Grades 6, 7, & 8) will participate in state-mandated LEAP 2025 testing April 26th - May 2nd. Testing will begin promptly each morning. Students should plan to get a good night's sleep, eat a good breakfast in the morning, and prepare to do their best! Please make arrangements to ensure that your student attends school regularly and on time for the entire school day on these important days. If at all possible, please refrain from scheduling routine appointments that will keep your student away from school during state testing. Finally, you may wish to have your students complete Online Tools Training available from the LDOE in preparation of testing (https://wbte.drcedirect.com/LA/portals/la). Thank you!

Peyton Parker, Youree Drive 8th Grader Student of the Year, and his Advanced English Teacher, Teri Durst, were recognized at the 40th Annual Holocaust Remembrance Service today in Shreveport. Peyton won 2nd Place in Middle School Literary Competition for his essay, “Without Prejudice.” Several of Mrs. Durst’s students and Mrs. Spann showed up to support Peyton, and to hear Holocaust Survivor Andras Lacko speak. #SpartanProud

Friday is Dress Down Day benefiting YDMS Softball team!

End of the Year 8th Grade Activities information will be sent home Monday. The information is also posted on our website: www.youreedrive.com/o/ydmapm/article/1073064
Also, Thursday is the last day order 8th grade shirts! www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/26070

YDMS Parents: Caddo wants to hear from you! Please take our school quality survey. Your feedback is important to us!

This Friday, Dress Down Day benefiting YDMS Softball! $5

8th Grade Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, May 16th at 1:00 p.m. at Broadmoor Baptist Church. More information will be coming out this week with specifics of what to wear, time of arrival, amount of tickets per student, etc.

☀️ YDMS will host our Summer Accelerate program June 5, 2023 - June 16, 2023. ☀️
The program will be from 8:15 a.m.-2:15 p.m. each day. Students will receive instruction/enrichment in ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science, and Electives. This is open to current YDMS students, 6th-8th grade. Breakfast and lunch will be provided each day. Please complete this survey by Friday, 5/5/2023 to enroll your student in the program. Please email Nicole Harper at anharper@caddoschools.org or Maria Edwards at msedwards@caddoschools.org with any questions.

💛🎶🖤Congratulations to the Youree Drive Concert Band!💛🎶🖤
They earned a Superior at the District VIII Band Festival! #SpartanProud

😀😀Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up and we need YOU! 😀😀
April 17-21, 2023
Volunteer during Lunch Shifts:
Decorating Team
Donations of Items
Monetary Donations

👕 🎉 8th Grade Shirts 🎉 👕
8th grade students may purchase a shirt to commemorate their 8th grade year!
Proceeds from sales will go toward our 8th grade celebration. Donations are welcome and appreciated!
Deadline to order is Thursday, April 13, 2023.
*The shirt is not required for participation in the celebration.

3rd Nine Weeks Awards
Friday, March 31, 2023:
6th grade AB Honor Roll – 9:00 a.m.
7th grade AB Honor Roll – 9:30 a.m.
8th grade AB Honor Roll – 10:00 a.m.
6th, 7th and 8th Straight A’s – 10:30 a.m.

Spartans v. Cope @ Airline High School
6:00 p.m. Tickets: $5 cash at door
Come out and support our boys!