YDMS Spirit Spirit Store closes TODAY at 11:59pm. Orders will be delivered directly to the school on Friday, November 11th and distributed to the students later that week. This is the last online spirit store for this school year. ydms2022.itemorder.com

Boys basketball tryouts will be held Saturday, October 29, 2022 from 9 am - 11 am in the YDMS Gym. Students must bring their own water.

Beta Club Members- You must fill out the Google Form for your T Shirt size by this Friday, October 21. The Google Form was sent out via Remind App and is on the Beta Club Page on the YDMS website. Please email mwarren@caddoschools.org or msanders@caddoschools.org if you have ANY questions!

🎶 Congratulations to Michael Hicks, Makynzie Harris and Khori Rhodes (pictured left to right) of the Youree Drive Middle School Choir program, which is under the direction of Jewett Winston. 🎶
These students made the Louisiana All - State LAACDA Choir. They will go to New Orleans October 26-29 where they will perform with other students from all over the state of Louisiana and renowned conductors!

🏈Congrats to our Spartans who won against Fair Park 36-6! 🏈

We are excited to announce our first annual YDMS Beta Club Keepin' It Clean event! Created by 7th grader Christopher Donatelli, this bi-annual event will give students, parents, and teachers a chance to work together and beautify our school. If your student would like to volunteer, please click the link below to reserve their spot. We are also in need of supplies and snacks - if you are able to donate, please sign-up at the link below.
Questions? Please contact Mrs. Warren (mwarren@caddoschools.org) and Mrs. Sanders (msanders@caddoschools.org).

We look forward to seeing our Spartans tomorrow!
Reminder: Earbuds are on the school supply list. Students are expected to carry them every day. Spartans are prepared!

YDMS Spirit Spirit Store IS OPEN until this Friday, October 21st at 11:59pm. Orders will be delivered directly to the school on Friday, November 11th and distributed to the students later that week. This is the last online spirit store for this school year. ydms2022.itemorder.com

Carnival Reminder || You have until TONIGHT at 11:59 p.m. to order your shirt for the carnival. More information is available at https://www.youreedrive.com/o/ydmapm/page/do-good-carnival.

The YDMS First Priority club met yesterday morning. The students are stepping out of their comfort zone and taking on leadership roles! #SpartanProud

Parents, Caddo Parish School is seeking your help to ensure we have the most accurate information regarding the students we serve. Completing this survey will confirm your child’s school receives the full amount of federal and state funding and makes sure your child receives all the educational services and programs they are entitled to receive. Because we are a district that provides free breakfast and lunch to all students, we have not captured some critical information that is used by federal and state agencies to provide schools with funding based on family income. Data collected is confidential and used only to determine the school’s eligibility for federal and state programs. If you have any questions, please contact your school for more information.

YDMS Picture Day is tomorrow.
During PE Classes.
Regular Uniforms

YDMS 3rd and final Spirit Store of 2022 is open now through midnight on Friday, October 21.
Last chance for logo jackets, sweatshirts, and long sleeve T-Shirts.
Pick up will be Saturday November 12 at 10:00 AM.

Reminder: PTSA Member Perk & Dress Down Day is this Friday, October 7th! Students who are members will receive a special treat and can dress down. Must be signed up by next Wednesday, Oct. 5th @ noon to participate. For every 100 students who join PTSA, one pair of Airpods will be given away by random drawing! Students will enjoy hanging out with their friends, listening to music, playing some games and get FREE PIZZA. This will be held at the end of the school day. Join here: www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/21061
*Not sure if your student is a member? You can email Mrs. Githens (jrgithens@caddoschools.org) and ask. Please include your student's name and grade level in your email.

Hello! Reminder: YDMS school fee of $40 is due September 30, 2022. Failure to pay school fee will result in inability to participate in activities throughout the year. Click here for instructions on how to pay: https://www.youreedrive.com/o/ydmapm/article/790207

PTSA Member Perk Friday & Dress Down Day is Friday, October 7th! Students who are members will receive a special treat and can dress down. Must be signed up by next Wednesday, Oct. 5th @ noon to participate. For every 100 students who join PTSA, one pair of Airpods will be given away by random drawing! Students will enjoy hanging out with their friends, listening to music, playing some games and get FREE PIZZA. This will be held at the end of the school day. Join here: www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/21061
*Not sure if your student is a member? You can email Mrs. Githens (jrgithens@caddoschools.org) and ask. Please include your student's name and grade level in your email.

Mrs. Durst’s 8th graders using Kagan Partner Songs for cooperative learning and to share point of view in ELA! #SpartanProud

Congratulations to our YDMS 22-23 BETA officers!
President Alicia Cooksey
Vice President Kailee Mitchell
Secretary Neda Musa
Reporter Naomi Barrett
Chaplain Taylor Franklin
Historian Kaylee Brokenberry

Mark your calendars...it's carnival time! The Do Good Carnival will be Thursday, October 27th from 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. A portion of the proceeds will go to St. Judes Children's Research Hospital. Please visit https://www.youreedrive.com/o/ydmapm/page/do-good-carnival to purchase shirts, wristbands and tickets. There is also a list food and games with ticket prices and a FAQ section! We can't wait for this fun event!

YDMS Parents/Guardians: We want to hear from you! Please complete the following survey. We value and appreciate your feedback.