Tuesday @ YDMS is busy! Girls Basketball Tryouts TODAY || Any girls interested in trying out for the Lady Spartan Basketball team, tryouts will be held Tuesday, September 6, 2022 from 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. in the gym. Please bring the appropriate clothes and shoes. Football Game || We have a pre-season football game today against N. Caddo Elem/Middle at 5:00 p.m. The game will be held at N. Caddo. Please support our Spartans today. https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/21379 Spirit Store Closes TONIGHT || The School Spirit Store will close tonight at midnight. Please make sure you get your orders in. Orders will be delivered on September 19th. https://ydms2022.itemorder.com/shop/sale/
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
Lady Spartan Basketball Tryouts tomorrow! 3:30-5:00
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
Lady Spartan Basketball Tryouts tomorrow! 3:30-5:00
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
YDMS Volleyball practice will be on Wednesday this week. Same time (4-5:30)
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
YDMS Spirit Store closing has been extended to midnight tomorrow, September 6th, 12:00 AM. Happy Labor Day! https://ydms2022.itemorder.com/
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
Our YDMS Cross Country team doesn't take days off! The kids showed up and showed out for practice today!
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
XC Team
National Beta Club invitations were sent out today (some will receive theirs tomorrow from their ELA teachers). To participate in Beta Club, the fee must be paid by September 14th on PayschoolsCentral. Mrs. Warren and Mrs. Sanders look forward to seeing the members and parents at the induction ceremony- more information to come!
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
Coming to the Jamboree?!?! You may want to pack a towel if you’re planning on sitting on the bleachers due to the rain this afternoon. Also, remember tickets must be purchased at www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/22088. No cash accepted at door. Concessions will be available from YDMS PTSA!
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
Coming to the Jamboree?!?! You may want to pack a towel if you’re planning on sitting on the bleachers due to the rain this afternoon. Also, remember tickets must be purchased at www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/22088. No cash accepted at door. Concessions will be available from YDMS PTSA!
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
Congratulations to our August Students of the Month! #SpartanProud 6th Grade: Keegan Smith & Travis King 7th Grade: Kevin Killen & Carrine Smith 8th Grade: Michael Hicks & Aubrey Kemten
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
6th grade
7th grade
8th grade
Ms. Edwards with Students of the Month
Parents: Here are two opportunities for you to learn how to help your students in Math and ELA! #OneTeamOneDream
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
Dance Pickup: Students who don’t ride a bus or leave at 3:25 need to be picked up by 5:00 p.m. in the SIDE parking lot. Student’s names will be called and they will walk out to their cars. We are looking forward to a great dance!
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
Join us for our football jamboree!
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
How do I join the BEST middle school student council? You must complete an online application by Monday, August 29th. Once we receive the names of applicants, we will send out a form for teacher recommendations. You should not have any discipline referrals or you will automatically be denied. Membership Application link: https://forms.gle/KMZQaBs1MahuGiAP6 If you are running for office fill out this application ONLY! Officer Application link: https://forms.gle/WcMa7AcUenZEjEPU7
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
Mark your calendars! Girls Basketball Tryouts
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
lady Spartans
Did you miss the deadline to buy the back-to-school dance/dress down tickets? We have a limited number still available. Students will be allowed to bring $10 cash Friday morning. If we run out of dance tickets, students will only be charged $5 for the dress down portion. We are looking forward to a fun afternoon!
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
Deadline to purchase tickets for Friday's dance/free dress is tomorrow by 3:00 pm. YDMS Student Council presents the Back to School Dance benefitting the ALS Foundation. Friday, Aug. 26. Wear your favorite team shirt/jersey and let’s tackle ALS together. Your purchase will include your dance ticket and the ability to participate in dress down day Friday at school. All concessions at the dance will be $1. *No refunds. Students need to check the no go list posted at school to see if there is anything preventing them from participating in the dance and dress down day. https://www.locallevelevents.com/events/details/21773
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
Congrats to our 2022-2023 Spartans Softball Team! We are looking forward to a great season! #SpartanProud
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
Softball Team
Ms. Guin’s 6th grade math students are assembling pyramids and prisms using nets, while reinforcing their vocabulary terms: vertices, edges, and faces.
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School
YDMS! Students are hitting the books and participating in Kagan Partner Songs in Mrs. Durst 8th grade ELA class!
over 2 years ago, Youree Drive Middle School