Last chance! Don’t miss out!
Youree Drive Middle School’s tour to Spain and Portugal in Summer 2023 is going to be an amazing adventure—and I want your child there with me. Visit https://bit.ly/3BmxLot and make sure you RSVP for the meeting to learn more!
Meeting is TOMORROW at 6:30PM in the YDMS Auditorium!

ON SALE NOW! YDMS Student Council presents the Back to School Dance benefitting the ALS Foundation. Friday, Aug. 26. Wear your favorite team shirt/jersey and let’s tackle ALS together. Your purchase will include your dance ticket and the ability to participate in dress down day Friday at school. All concessions at the dance will be $1.
Tickets go on sale online Monday, August 22 and will end Thursday, August 25th at 3:00 PM. *No refunds. Students need to check the no go list posted at school to see if there is anything preventing them from participating in the dance and dress down day.

Congratulations to our 2022 YDMS Boys Cross Country Team! #SpartanProud

Congratulations to our 2022 YDMS Girls Cross Country Team! #SpartanProud

Mark your calendars!
YDMS Back to School Night
Thursday, September 8th
6:00 p.m.
Come meet teachers, administration and our PTSA. You can also tour our campus!

Thanks to our administration for recognizing our “Nacho Average Staff” today at lunch.

PTSA Back to School Mixer
Thursday from 5:30 - 7pm
Twelve Oaks Clubhouse
A drop in mix and mingle!
Meet Principal Edwards, the administration staff, faculty, PTSA board, and other parents.

Have you setup your Canvas for Parent app? Follow this link for instructions on how to pair your child's account with yours.

Softball tryouts will be next Tuesday, August 23rd from 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Meet in the gym after school. Bring your own glove to tryouts.

YDMS Student Council presents the Back to School Dance benefitting the ALS Foundation. Friday, Aug. 26. Wear your favorite team shirt/jersey and let’s tackle ALS together. Your purchase will include your dance ticket and the ability to participate in dress down day Friday at school. All concessions at the dance will be $1.
Tickets go on sale online Monday, August 22 and will end Thursday, August 25th at 3:00 PM.
*No refunds. Students need to check the no go list posted at school to see if there is anything preventing them from participating in the dance and dress down day.

Congrats to our very own Mr. Simmons on being named one of the 40 under 40! #SpartanProud #OneTeamOneDream

Congrats to these students for making the YDMS Volleyball team! #SpartanProud #OneTeamOneDream

YDMS: We are going to Spain and Portugal in the spring of 2023. We are having an in-person meeting in the auditorium on Aug 23rd at 6:30PM. Parents must RSVP. There is still time to sign up for the trip!

Thanks to our partners at Raising Cane's for treating our teachers to Sweet Tea and Lemonade today! #OneTeamOneDream

PTSA Back to School Mixer
Thursday from 5:30 - 7pm
Twelve Oaks Clubhouse
A drop in mix and mingle!
Meet Principal Edwards, the administration staff, faculty, PTSA board, and other parents.

Interested in Talented Arts?

It is time to sign up for the YDMS Pep Squad! Pep Squad will consist of 60 girls. It will be first come, first served. Please see information on flyers around school or Facebook to sign up. Deadline to sign up is August 19th.
Link to google form sign up:

YDMS Cross Country Tryouts

Spartan Volleyball tryouts are here! Tryouts will be on Monday 8/15 and 4:15 p.m and end at 5:30 p.m. Please use the following link to sign your student up for tryouts.

This week, as we prepare for even more buses to be on the road, we urge you to be more aware of school bus and pedestrian safety during your morning and afternoon travels. Let’s work together for a great start to the 2022-2023 school year! #WeAreCaddo